It's graduation day for many seniors across north Texas.
One young man’s story continues to inspire.
Dalton Sherman delivered a passionate, keynote speech in the 4th grade at a Dallas ISD event. The speech, “Do You Believe in Me?” has been viewed online millions of times.
It was so moving, talk show hosts Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey invited him to appear on their shows.
He even had the chance to meet President Barack Obama.
Fast forward nine years, Sherman is now graduating valedictorian from the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy.
“I'm very proud of who I’ve become, who I’ve grown into, a young man who's god-fearing, a young man who knows his gift now. I think that's something that i didn't know when i was younger,” Dalton said.
Dalton will head out west for college.
The latest news from around North Texas.
He's earned a full scholarship to Pomona College in California.