Dallas Police Car Sullied

Department investigating, testing urine samples in squad car

by Bruce Felps

This from the WTF Department: According to an article published in this morning’s Dallas Morning News, Dallas police officials are tracking the origins of urine deposits left in a squad car.

That’s a nice way of saying someone, maybe multiple someones, took a whiz in a cop car.

"It's just nasty," the story quotes a police official as saying. That sir, or madam, is putting it lightly. On the bright side at least no one took a dump in there…as far as we know.

It happened in the parking lot of the DPD’s South Central Patrol Division, and the car in question was assigned to a plainclothes officer who, according to WFAA’s contribution to the story, feuded with other officers. The targeted, if that’s the right word, officer belongs to the Latino Peace Officers Association, and if this is a case of racism it gets all the nastier and stupider.

Speaking of stupid, it’s all the more disturbing that cops -- those people charged with protecting the citizenry -- couldn’t think through the fact that they left fairly significant DNA samples in the car for investigators to track, unless, of course, it’s not human pee, in which case this takes on an additional level of depravity.

Boys, boys, boys, no good ever comes from whipping it out while on duty.

Bruce Felps owns and operates East Dallas Times, an online community news outlet serving the White Rock Lake area. He would really like to think better of cops in his hometown, and for the most part he does. But this? Holy wowza.

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