
Dallas Central Appraisal District Offers Temporary Disaster Exemption Following Winter Storm

Texas Sky Ranger

The Dallas Central Appraisal District is offering a temporary disaster exemption following this winter's storm.

This exemption, offered in accordance with state law, only applies to damage to buildings or structures, not land value. Property owners must apply for the exemption by Friday.

This one-time tax exemption is available for business and residential properties that sustained at least 15% of its value in damage.

The exemption is only good for the current year and will not change the market value of the property.

To apply for the exemption, click here. The form is called Exemption Application for Temporary Disaster (11.35).

When applying, attach all documents related to the damage, including insurance claims, inspections, photos and repair costs.

The completed application and attachments should be mailed to the Dallas Central Appraisal District.

Additional information about the application and exemption process is available on the Dallas Central Appraisal District website.

For questions or additional information, contact the Dallas Central Appraisal District at disasterex@dcdad.org.

For additional winter storm recovery resources, visit the Emergency Management web pages.

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