
Dallas Bishop Grants Catholics to Eat Meat on Friday, March 17

The Catholic Diocese of Dallas has announced a dispensation from the obligation of abstinence from meat for Friday, March 17.

After getting requests this year to be allowed to eat meat on the feast day of Saint Patrick, Dallas Bishop Ed Burns has granted a dispensation from the obligation of abstinence from meat on Friday, which is also St. Patrick's Day.

According to the Catholic Diocese of Dallas website, if the person transfers the responsibility of abstinence from meat to the day before or after the feast day of Saint Patrick. That is, Catholics are being asked to either fast abstain from meat on Thursday, March 16 or Saturday, March 18.

Another alternative would be to assume the addition of a spiritual exercise.

The Bishop indicated another option would be for a person to offer a decade of the Rosary for the plight of immigrants/refugees or for the intention of an increase in Vocations to the priesthood.

In other words, to recite one Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, and one Glory Be to the Father, for these specified intentions.

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