Courageous Kid: Trinity Fanning

Trinity Fanning just might be the happiest kid on earth.

"He is the light of everyone’s life, pretty much," said Katie Fanning, Trinity’s mom. "He is amazing."

Trinity, 16, is a junior at Keller High School who does a really good Mickey Mouse impression.

“Hello Trinity, how was your shower?” Trinity said, with his best Mickey voice, followed by the character’s well-known laugh, which got a chuckle out of everyone in the room.

Trinity is gifted at connecting with people. We saw it when, instead of answering our questions during the interview, he started asking his own like, 'Do you have dogs or cats?' which he followed up with 'What is your dog's name?"

After replying her name is Stella and that she has a lot of hair, Trinity exclaimed, 'Oh no!' with an empathetic smile.

Trinity shrugged his shoulders when asked if he's ever met soemone he didn't want to talk to and said he believed everyone was worth loving.

Trinity’s mom said his medical challenges started during his first year of life.

“He started out with seizures and so that’s how we kind of knew something was going on,” Katie said. “His first couple [of seizures] lasted over an hour a piece.”

At 10-years-old, Trinity had brain surgery. Katie shared a picture of Trinity after his surgery and he had his favorite Mickey right there with him.

The operation has stopped Trinity’s seizures.

Since then, he has thrived as a multiple-sport athlete in Special Olympics, Miracle League and others.

“Baseball, running track,” Trinity said, while looking at medals hanging on his bedroom wall.

He even won a gold medal in Special Olympics softball throw. Katie pointed out winning isn’t as important to Trinity as eating afterward with his friends.

“Playing the games is cool too, but, it’s all about the food, but I guess he is 16,” Katie said with a laugh.

Trinity is a social young man who loves interacting with people. So if you ever bump into him, don’t be surprised if he gives you a really nice long hug, that’s what we got, and it was lovely.

“He brings so much joy to everybody, especially me every day,” Katie said.

And that’s why strangers make quick friends.

“They hug me a lot,” Trinity said.

“Oh, because people love you?” Kristin asked. “Yes,” he said.

We asked Trinity’s mom what lesson she’s learned from Trinity, and she said, “Just to be open minded for sure, and then to never underestimate anybody.”

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