Couple Sentenced in Meth Case, Used Son to Sell Drugs

A husband and wife from Abilene have been sentenced to prison for running a methamphetamine ring and using his teenage son to help sell drugs.

The 39-year-old man was sentenced Wednesday to 14 years in federal prison. A judge sentenced the 30-year-old woman to 24 months behind bars.

Each pleaded guilty earlier this year to conspiracy to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine.

A buyer in May 2014 was instructed by the father to go to the family's home in Abilene and get the meth from his 13-year-old son, after the boy got home from school. Prosecutors say the teen sold the methamphetamine and received $160 from the buyer.

The husband has been in custody since last September. His wife must report to prison next month.

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