Case of Whooping Cough in Keller Independent School District

The Keller Independent School District is informing families about a confirmed case of pertussis, or whooping cough, in a student at Parkwood Hill Intermediate.

On Friday the KISD announced in a news release that a 5th grade student suffered from the whooping cough. Students who attend Parkwood Hill Intermediate may have been exposed to the highly contagious disease, says KISD in a news release.

Pertussis is spread by droplets in the air when a person talks, sneezes, or coughs. This disease can be very dangerous for infants who are under one year of age.

A person who suffers from pertussis or whooping cough will find a bacterium in the mouth, nose or throat. This disease involves the respiratory tract and will begin as a cold with common symptoms such as a mil fever, sneezing, runny nose and cough that gets worse.

After about two weeks the person will experience strong coughing fits known as paroxysmal coughing. The person will not have fever and will appear to be well for the most part. This stage can last about six or more weeks, said the KISD.

It is likely that medicine will not help relief the cough and it can get worse at night. Other symptoms will be shortness of breath, vomit, and become blue in the face and around the lips.

Many children will experience coughing fits that will be accompanied with a whooping sound as they try to catch their breath. Babies will have a difficult time eating, drinking and breathing. Some babies may stop breathing an can ultimately die. Adults, teens and vaccinated children may experience symptoms that mimic bronchitis or asthma, said the KIDS.

The Tarrant County Public Health has recommended the public to take certain precautions:

  • Symptomatic persons should excluded from group settings and be evaluated by a health care provider.
  • Readmission to public areas should happen after five days of antibiotic therapy, or when pertussis is ruled out by a health care provider.
  • Review child's immunization records and catch up any that are due.
  • Tdap vaccine should be received by adults and adolescents.
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