
Teachers Frustrated With Lack of COVID-19 Protections in the Classroom

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Teachers across North Texas are growing increasingly frustrated with the number of colleagues out sick with COVID-19, and some school districts refusal to close their doors.            

School districts across North Texas have started to fold. Some districts shut down entirely for several days, others sending a few grade levels or campuses home.

The vast majority of districts are staying open, despite significant numbers of COVID-19 cases, and little ability to social distance.

Teachers could lose their jobs for speaking out publicly against the lack of precautions in their district, but many have written letters to us pleading for help.

"Some of us are not getting conference periods. We get a chance to go to the bathroom once at lunch and that's it," said one teacher.

"My school is closed until Tuesday but they are making all the teachers go to other schools, where other teachers have caught COVID and are not out. We are still responsible for teaching (our) kids online," said another.

" It's just been thing, after thing, after thing, that's been piled on the educators to take care of," said Rena Honea, President, Alliance AFT, teacher's professional organization.

Teacher's groups around the area say they're getting the messages too, more teachers' frustration boiling over and asking for something to change to improve their working conditions.  

Alliance AFT is planning a press conference Tuesday to call for better.

"We're hearing more and more that the plexiglass is being removed from the campus sites which did help teachers and students feel more safe," said Honea.

Districts maintain they're doing the best they can to keep everyone safe and follow the law.  

The Dallas Independent School District still has its mask mandate enforced while most other districts have followed Governor Abbott's order that masks not be required

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