Thursday night, leaders of various departments within the Fort Worth ISD logged into zoom to listen to parents, students, and teacher's concerns about race but teaching in a pandemic was top of mind.
"I feel uncomfortable. There's not enough assurances, what are the safeguards for those peoples," said one teacher.
"I thought we were here to talk about race, am I in the wrong place?" asked another.
One teacher that was a part of the town hall said when he goes back to work, whether online or in person, he needs to be able to talk to students about the racial equity movement.
"As a white male, I wanna know how I can help curriculum so I can have the right lens," he asked.
One on one with NBC 5, Fort Worth ISD Board Member Quinton Phillips promised that teacher would get help.
"He has a heart and wants to do right by his students of color, that should be applauded, lauded and do whatever we can do to get you the proper resources to feel comfortable going in the classroom teaching our students of color," said Phillips.
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There was also a pledge to talk about change... mainly whether resource officers should be in schools.
"I don't think most people who are part of this movement want to see that continue and I'd like to see us model our leadership there as well," said Max Krochmal, a history professor at TCU.
"The board is committed to holding additional town halls in pairs of board members in north, south, east, west parts of the city and perhaps as we begin chapter two that be one of our top topics," said Kent Scribner, Superintendent of the Fort Worth ISD.
The district did answer questions and concerns about COVID-19 as well.