
Engineering Program Helps Students Ignite Invention Dreams

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Education is all about preparing young minds to reach their best potential. But How do you help inspire the next great inventor?

Harmony School of Innovation in Garland is trying to tackle that.

"We're doing more projects every day," said one student. Projects, there are all kinds happening in their classroom which is littered with robotics parts, flight simulators and paperwork with code.

The students invent things and reinvent them. They came up with their own smart device to open and close all the blinds around their corner classroom with the push of a button.

Richard Montejo teaches the class and says he lays the tools out there, teaches them some basics and lets them go, encouraging them along the way.

"The majority of these months it was failure and attempt but that's the best part about it because you're growing every time you do it," said Alen Thomas, a student in the program.

From flying to fixing, they do it all here, and hopefully thinking up the world's next great invention.   

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