Below Average Temperatures Unlikely to Continue Through August

The average high temperature usually starts to drop after August 17

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Welcome to August! Normal temperatures are still hot through the month, but we usually see some downward motion to those highs by the time we get closer to September.

We also average a little less than 2 inches of rain in a typical August. The sun angle will also slowly get lower as the month wears on. That means we will lose 52 minutes of daylight by the end of August.

The latest temperature and precipitation outlooks for August from the Climate Prediction Center show we will probably have slightly above normal temperatures and near normal precipitation through the month of August.

NBC 5 Weather

Unfortunately, that means we may very well see a few more triple-digit highs. But the good news is that we do start to see the average high temperature begin to go down after August 17.

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Read the latest forecast information from NBC 5's team of Weather Experts here.

Before the Storm
Weather Safety
Stay Safe During a Hail Storm
At Home?
  • Head indoors immediately
  • If time allows, close all drapes, blinds or shades to prevent broken glass from entering your home.
  • Stay away from windows and skylights (any exterior glass) and head to a safe location inside your home, ideally only with interior walls.
  • Cover your head and seek shelter indoors immediately.
  • If you are trapped outside, get to a low-lying area and try to protect your head. Use clothing if it's all you have.
  • Stay inside your vehicle.
  • Slow down or pull over and stop at a safe location. DO NOT stop under a highway overpass. You may be protecting your vehicle, but you could be forcing other people to stop behind you.
  • Turn your back to windows or cover yourself with a blanket, coat or spare clothing to protect yourself from breaking glass.
  • If you have a sunroof, try to find something to protect your head.


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