Wednesday evening’s forecast calls for a threat of severe storms. And the biggest, widespread threat within those storms will be hail, according to NBC DFW Weather Expert Grant Johnston.
There have already been multiple significant hail events in North Texas during the current storm season, which have resulted in millions of dollars in insurance claims filed.
A representative of State Farm noted that there are two main things that people can do, before the storm starts, to protect their property – add comprehensive coverage if they do not have it already, and put their car under cover.
"Check your policies, make sure you have adequate policies first," said Argel Flores, a State Farm agent. "If you realize you have liability, not comprehensive, you could not have that claim covered. It's very important you know what you have, and if you need to add additional coverage you can do before the storm hits."
Texas law requires drivers to have liability coverage on their vehicle. Liability insurance covers pays to repair the other driver’s car if you are found to be at fault for a crash.
Comprehensive coverage covers damage done to your vehicle by something other than a crash.