The following are the rankings of 19 airlines' on-time performance in December, according to data provided by the Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Carrier On-Time Arrival Pct.
1. Hawaiian 79.58
2. US Airways 72.14
3. American 69.86
4. United 67.56
5. Southwest 67.25
6. AirTran 66.41
7. Delta 65.68
8. Mesa 65.65
9. ExpressJet 65.33
10. Northwest 63.69
11. Continental 63.32
12. Pinnacle 63.10
13. JetBlue 62.76
14. SkyWest 62.45
15. Atlantic Southeast 62.10
16. Frontier 60.74
17. American Eagle 59.32
18. Alaska 58.43
19. Comair 55.05
All Airlines 65.34
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics