
The City of Dallas States Protocol for Mosquito Spraying

The City of Dallas says that ground spraying activities for mosquito control will be based on a positive West Nile Virus (WNV) mosquito trap results from a public health laboratory or a consistently high mosquito trap count. Group spraying may also occur if there is a confirmed human case of the Chikungunya Virus (CHIK-V) based on surveillance.

The City of Dallas 2015 Mosquito Control Plan states that only EPA approved products for ground spraying will be used. Products will only be dispensed from an ultra-low volume (ULV) truck mounted sprayer or a back pack sprayer.

Spraying for WNV will take place between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Spraying for CHIK-V may occur during the day. Spraying begins within five to seven hours after the city has been notified of a positive mosquito trap and all locations will be double sprayed on consecutive days.

Officials say they will post locations of all spraying activities on the City's web site. Citizens may contact 311 to report standing water or 214-670-1733 for additional information.

The City of Dallas would also like to remind citizens that the best way to avoid exposure to West Nile Virus and Chikungunya Virus is to avoid mosquito bites by employing the 4 Ds':

  • Defend yourself by using insect repellents - Follow label instructions
  • Dress in long sleeves and pants, loose and light colored clothing when you go outside
  • Dusk and dawn, stay indoors during this time to avoid mosquitoes when they are most active
  • Drain standing water and install or repair window screens
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