TCU Sets Up Gay-Friendly Living Community

University sets aside student apartments for gay students and their supporters

The themed housing communities at Texas Christian University will have a gay-friendly section in the fall.

The DiversCity Q, a living community for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender students and heterosexual students who support them, will open in a section of the Tom Brown-Pete Wright apartments, the Fort Worth Star Telegram reported.

The university will also open two Christian-based groups, a fine-arts living group and three other communities.

The themed communities allow students to live together with people who are like-minded. TCU opens up the development process to students.

Shelly Newkirk, a sophomore who helped create DiversCity Q, told the Star-Telegram she hoped the community will be a place where gay and straight students can interact.

Other groups have focused on the environment, student leadership and healthy living, the Star-Telegram reported.

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