Poll Says Texans Favor AZ Immigration Law

If you favor Texas having an immigration law similar to the controversial law passed in Arizona, you are in line with 69 percent of Texans, or at least 69 percent of the 500 surveyed in a new Rasmussen Reports telephone poll.

Rasmussen conducted the survey on July 13 and asked Texans a number of questions about the Arizona law and offshore drilling.

Rusmussen said the margin of error is +/- 4.5 percent with a 95 percent level of confidence.

So. What else did the poll reveal?

On the Arizona question, Texas' results are eight points higher than the national average and only 23 percent would oppose the law. Sixty-four percent of Texans disagree with the U.S. Justice Department's decision to challenge the legality of Arizona's law while only 28 percent were in favor of it.

"An overwhelming majority of Republicans and voters not affiliated with either party favor an Arizona-like immigration law in Texas, while democrats are more evenly divided on the issue," Rasmussen reports. "Seventy-seven percent (77%) of white voters in Texas favor an immigration law similar to Arizona's in their own state, a view shared by 52% of voters of other ethnicities and 49% of blacks."

The poll also revealed that 63 percent of Texans support a welcoming immigration policy that "excludes only national security threats, criminals and those who would come here to live off the U.S. welfare system" while 28 percent disagree with such a policy. 

"Across the board, however, a strong majority of voters agree with the goal for immigration policy," Rasmussen reports.

What about offshore drilling?  According to the results, voters in Texas are strongly in favor of offshore oil drilling, "and in contrast to findings in other states around the country, show nearly the same level of support for deepwater drilling."

Texas was the only gulf state that did not have oil from the latest spill wash up on its shoreline.  It is not known if that factors into the responses of the participants of the poll.

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