One Shot to End Pain? Here's How It Works

Doctors say the secret to ending joint pain is hidden in your own blood.

More and more athletes are using platelet-rich plasma therapy to help heal joint injuries.

The patient's blood is drawn and then goes into a centrifuge. The high-speed spinning process produces plasma with concentrated platelets.

The plasma is then injected into the patient's injury. 

Doctors in Europe are using the technique to treat torn and damaged tendons, as well as ligaments and cartilage.

One American doctor who has watched them said there are potential disk treatments as well.

Some oral surgeons in North Texas are using the technique to help dental patients heal after surgery.

The treatment is still considered alternative therapy, and most insurance companies will not cover the cost.

Plus, it hurts. Patients say it's painful, causing major swelling that eventually helps heal the injury.

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