Gas Price at Shell Station $0

Hundreds of people started their day in a better mood. They got free gas Thursday morning at the Shell station on state Highway 121 at Bass Pro Drive in Grapevine.

The 3-digit price at the pump read 0-0-0. For two hours, the gas station not only gave customers up to 20 gallons of free gas, but attendants pumped it too. Customers were thankful.

It wasn't a bad day to get free gas, as prices have gone up by about 4 cents per gallon over the past week in DFW and across the state.

Wilma Laguatan said she heard about the gas giveaway on NBC 5. "I was relaxing. It's my day off. They said free gas at the Bass Pro Shell. I said, I'm gone!" she said. "I was on fumes. It was perfect. I had just enough to get here."

The gas giveaway was meant to promote Shell's nitrogen-enriched gasoline.

"Also we're promoting the Shell-Kroger program, where you go to any participating Kroger, you can spend $100 on your Kroger plus. You get up to 35 gallons of gas at 10 cents off per gallon," owner Brett Golman said.

The giveaway happened at 7 to 9 a.m. Police officers and gas station employees directed traffic to keep everyone in order.

"I think it's going to be a great weekend -- free gas, Rangers win, Cowboys win. You can't beat it," Reggie Edwards said, adding that it was worth his 25-minute wait.

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