Workers Trying To Remove Collapsed Crane

Two workers died on July 7th after 50 mile-per-hour winds tipped crane over.

An important, difficult and painstakingly slow job is being performed in triple-digit temperatures on the University of Texas Dallas campus Sunday.

Crews are having to cut huge sections of crane into much smaller pieces, lift them with another crane and lower them onto a truck to be hauled away.

This caused a little inconvenience Sunday for the few people on campus.  The McDermott Library is closed until noon Monday for safety reasons since it's right next to the construction site.

One young woman with a backpack walked by while NBC 5 was shooting video of the crane removal.  She wanted to use the library and asked if the crane removal was the reason she couldn't get in.

Engineers spent the past three weeks coming up with a plan to safely remove the crane from the site of the future Arts and Technology Building.  OSHA investigators are also witnessing the removal of the crane according to UT Dallas.

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