Seven people remain hospitalized Tuesday after a deadly shootout involving two outlaw motorcycle gangs at a Waco restaurant Sunday that left nine dead, 18 injured and hundreds arrested, according to local police.
Waco Police Department spokesman Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said Tuesday that a coalition of a number of biker groups, as many as five, reserved space at the Twin Peaks restaurant for a meeting.
An uninvited group's presence at the restaurant may have led to the brawl, Swanton said, though they are also investigating the possibility that an argument over a parking issue, or perhaps even someone's foot being run over, may have precipitated the outbreak of violence.
While investigators continue to piece together the details of what took place, it appears it could have been a number of incidents that led to the restaurant being turned into a battlefield in what police described as a "turf war" between two rival gangs, the Bandidos and Cossacks.
"We have crime scenes inside and outside of Twin Peaks restaurant. Those crime scenes include bathroom areas, the restaurant areas and the bar areas. It's my understanding that there was some type of altercation inside. We know that we have blood on the inside of Twin Peaks," Swanton said.
However it started, within seconds 18 Waco police officers stationed outside the restaurant intervened and brought the shooting to an end.
"I can't tout them enough for protecting our citizens," Swanton said. "They absolutely saved lives."
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Swanton said a media outlet reported Waco police killed four of the bikers, but he could only confirm that it was likely that three or four Waco officers fired on the bikers and that it was too soon to definitively say who killed the bikers.
"There was a media outlet that was reporting that law enforcement killed four of the individuals at this scene Sunday afternoon. I will tell you, whoever told you that, that person belongs on CSI because the autopsies have not been completed and it is impossible, at this point, to determine that fact. Is it possible? Yes. Is it a fact? No," Swanton said.
Detectives were still investigating on Tuesday a number of crime scenes inside and outside of the restaurant, according to Swanton. That included processing as many as 80 cars and trucks parked at the scene and removing approximately 135 motorcycles -- under SWAT protection -- to a secure location.
"Most contain evidence or are involved in some way," he said, of the vehicles.
Swanton confirmed that police had received credible threats since Sunday, but said the number of threats had lessened since. Police had also seen fewer bikers traveling to Waco in the previous 24 hours.
"There have been credible, reliable threats toward law enforcement in and around our area. I will tell you that those have toned down a bit over the past 24 hours. We are absolutely thankful of that. I made mention last night, there has been enough tragedy and there has been enough bloodshed in Waco, Texas. We would appreciate there not being any more," said Swanton.
Swanton said they were asking for cooperation from known criminal biker gangs to stand down and to let them sort through their investigation, afterward, he said, they'll be forthcoming and transparent with information from their investigation.
Swanton said the seven people still being treated at Waco hospitals are all in stable condition and are believed to be improving. Specific information regarding their injuries and identities is not yet known. Swanton said additional arrests upon their release was "a possibility."
With the Memorial Day holiday on the horizon, Swanton said an strong law enforcement presence was expected to remain in Waco, though he hoped they would soon return to more run of the mill duties.
"There is still a very heavy presence of law enforcement in and around the Waco community. This is not the area to cause trouble, I can assure you," Swanton said. "In the event something happens, we're adequately staffed to be able to deal with whatever is presented to us."
NBC 5's Frank Heinz contributed to this report.