Rachel Stephens is supposed to be several weeks away from a degree and jumping into her career as a game warden.
"As a senior, I only have a specific number of classes I need and several of them are classes with labs involved," said Stephens.
How do you complete a class of lab experiments when you can’t go to the lab?
"We were just scratching our heads," said Sreekar Marpu, College of Science, Research Assistance Professor.
Teaching assistants starting doing experiments and sending videos to students. Other professors encouraged their students to attempt some labs at home.
It was all uncharted territory.
K-12 schools may look at universities as the leaders in online learning, but UNT wasn’t too proud to admit this was a huge learning curve for them too, one they’re working hard to master.
The latest news from around North Texas.
"We have faculty helping each other some have experience teaching online and some who didn’t," said Jennifer Cowley, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at UNT Denton.
It wasn't just science, struggling to figure this out. Music students are trying to get a note just right while sending it via an internet connection.
"You have to play to the mic right? Where do you put that mic in that room?" asked Jaymee Haefner, College of Music, Professor of Harp, to her students.
UNT Denton’s leadership said they’re confident it will work. Students will graduate on time, and the world won’t have to wait to get world class musicians, scientists, and game wardens.