Fort Worth

Blogger Pens Essay Praising Women for Taking New Roles During Pandemic

NBCUniversal, Inc.

A local blogger has an idea of who needs some credit for showing up and doing what's needed day after day of this pandemic. It’s all of us. The women of North Texas. 

Michelle Miles connects, encourages and informs women through her online networking business called Fort Worth Woman.

She's getting lots of feedback for her recent choice of Woman of the Month. 

She picked every woman out there trying to make a difference in an unbelievable situation.

“I just started writing. It was one of those magical moments where I had 20 minutes to myself because the kids were napping,” she said. “So, in about 20 - 30 minutes, I felt I had everything I needed to put my heart on paper and let women in Fort Worth and beyond know, I see you and I see that you're doing more than the norm.”

Miles wrote about the entrepreneur, saying, “Your normal way of serving our community has shifted drastically.”

To the stay at home mom juggling kids, school work, grocery shopping and a never-ending Groundhog Day, she wrote. “There's not a break in your near future but you can handle this.”

Miles thought about her mom when she wrote about those over 60 being told to stay home: “You are a generation, we can't afford to lose as there is still so much for us to learn from you.”

Single women, pregnant women, caregivers, college students, high school seniors, women facing abuse and working moms are also among the 22 groups Miles addressed in her article.

Miles wanted the women working in essential jobs to know, “while the majority of us stay home, you continue on in order to keep our world turning and preserve some sense of normalcy. We could not be us without you.”

And, for women in health care on the front lines of the fight, “despite your best efforts, you will inevitably lose some lives but you are also saving so many. We need you.”

Throughout her work, she repeatedly uses the phrase “I see you.”  The former school counselor says, “even though, you can’t fix every situation. Just being seen matters and strengthens people.”

Miles who also wears many hats as an entrepreneur, mom, wife, volunteer, says she simply wanted to let women know she sees what they're going through - and she's there's to celebrate them. 

“I see you. We got this,” she wrote.

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