Retailers to Decide Seasonal Hiring Soon

Job seekers await seasonal opportunities

In about two weeks, many retailers will decide whether to do seasonal hiring as job-seekers anxiously await the news, the Texas Workforce Commission said.

While Toys R Us announced Wednesday that it's hiring 35,000 seasonal workers nationally, many other big-name retailers have remained mum. 

Last year, seasonal hiring was down 60 percent in Collin County, said Robert Love, of Workforce Solutions.

"The retailers were hiring, but hiring in much smaller numbers than they have in years prior," he said.

He said the 60 percent decrease reflected a national trend, and any seasonal hiring  may be an improvement over 2008's numbers.

Field Mayes, a laid-off IT worker, said his eight-month job search has been a bit frustrating.
"You go to a store right now, and it's 15 to 20 people for one job," he said. "You have to just get over it and just keep going from day to day. You can't give up."

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