With the T.O. drama gone, and the just about every other malcontent no longer parked at Valley Ranch, NFL fans are fixing their eyes on the Jay Cutler saga in Denver. Here's a brief recap: Mike Shanahan gets fired. 32-year old Patriots assistant Josh Mcdaniels gets hired. Mcdaniels tries to trade Cutler to get his boy, Matt Cassell from New England, who's later traded to Kansas City. Cutler, cries betrayel, and now wants to be traded.
Which now has prompted some to start talking about a Tony Romo for Jay Cutler trade straight up. I don't know that it would be that big of an upgrade. Statsically, Cutler threw for more yards in '08, (4,536 yards to Romo's 3,448) but Romo also missed three games. Both come with a little baggage, and both make stupid mistakes. So unless Jason Garrett runs into Jerry Jones' office and swears he can win a Super Bowl with Cutler and not with Romo, I don't see it happening. I'm saying not a good move. Eventhough I think Cutler has a better arm.