Imagine a comedian sitting down in front of you -- and only you! -- to test out his or her material. No stage, no mic, no booze-addled audience and, especially, no laugh track to lean on. This is Rate My Bit, a weekly series in which comedians big and small, funny and, yes, some not so funny, give Play the best they've got. Watch, rate, repeat.
To kick off RMB, we lassoed in the deadpan stylings of Seth Herzog. When he's not warming up the audience of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, or dressing up as Wonder Woman and pissing off Bono, Seth can be found hosting Sweet!, his weekly sketch comedy night on Manhattan's Lower East Side. Our friends in New York caught up with the funnyman after a recent gig outside of Arlene's Grocery, where he was kind enough to pop a squat on the sidewalk and treat Play to a gag he's recently added to his act (hint: it involves torture and we absolutely love it).
From shaky new material to guaranteed-to-kill-'em zingers, Rate My Bit is a comedy for the bold -- one joke, one take, one shot.