Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison took the first formal step Thursday toward running for governor of Texas.
Hutchison, the state's senior senator, formed an exploratory committee, which is required by law in Texas. The committee begins the process of organizing staff and funding for a campaign.
The race would likely pit Hutchison against current Gov. Rick Perry in what could be a raucous primary for the Republican nomination. By 2010, when the next election is held, Perry will have served 10 years as Texas governor.
Hutchison has held her U.S. Senate seat since 1993 and is currently the fourth-highest ranking Republican in the Senate and the highest-ranking Republican woman.
She said her priority as governor would be education, specifically increasing the number of top-tier state universities.
Hutchison said she would not step down from her Senate seat until at least late 2009.
Her official statement follows: "Today, I am filing an exploratory committee so I can begin the process of organizing a campaign for Governor of Texas. I am not yet a candidate, but Texas law requires this first, important step before an announcement can be made.
I am transferring $1 million from my Federal account to this new state exploratory committee and will take further steps as they become appropriate.
Right now, there are a lot of Texans - friends, community and business leaders, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and people who've never been in politics - that I want to talk to before becoming a formal candidate.
While Texas is faring somewhat better economically than many other states, a positive future is not guaranteed. It will take leaders who look ahead to meet the economic and budgetary challenges that are coming.
Texans deserve a Governor who, in the context of sound budgetary policies and low taxes, works for quality schools and universities, access to health care for our families, communities safe from crime and drugs, protection of private property rights, sensible transportation and a government that listens and responds to them.
There's too much bitterness, too much anger, too little trust, too little consensus and too much infighting. And the tone comes from the top. Texans are looking for leadership and results.
I am humbled by the number of hard working Texans who have asked me to run for Governor in our state that I love so dearly. And I am honored to serve Texas in the United States Senate, protecting our state's interests and standing for our values and vision. Texans understand I put Texas first and I will continue to do so while I explore and prepare for a race for Governor of Texas."