
How to do Texas-OU Weekend Right in Dallas

Before you get dressed for one of Dallas' best weekends of the year, Texas-OU weekend on Oct. 6, take note that a majority of the bars in Dallas will be hosting and serving fanatical fans, many in their 20s and 30s, who care a lot about drinking and watching football. That isn't your thing? Just don't say I didn't warn you.

Step 1: Pick a side, the University of Texas or the University of Oklahoma. Or, don't.

You have three options: Wear burnt orange for the University of Texas, wear crimson and cream for the University of Oklahoma, or wear white and go neutral. Wearing white is kind of an annoying choice; it's really better if you just pick a side. But fine, wear white if you cannot possibly pledge allegiance to one football team for three hours.

What you don't get to do is wear another college football team's colors at a Texas-OU party. Act like you've been there, y'all. Wear the colors.

You can read Sarah's other two steps for the perfect Texas/OU weekend by clicking here.

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