"Hell, I'm a pretty good shot, believe it or not," state Rep. Rafael Anchia was saying Monday afternoon. That's kind of a thing we bleeding hearts from Texas say to each other when we talk about firearms and gun safety following mass shootings. We talk about the first time we shot a gun and how much we dug it. We talk about how much we like to hunt -- "My annual fundraiser is an annual hog hunt," the Dallas Democrat said, whipping out the bona fides -- and how we're really good at shooting guns. We've got nothing against guns. Swear to Glock.Eventually, though, we get around to how this state and this country are also really, really bad at keeping guns out of the hands of wife-beaters, the mentally ill, drug dealers, gang members, mass murderers. And then we get angry about that. Continue reading...
Trying to Pass Common Sense Gun Regulation in Texas Is the Definition of Despair
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