WASHINGTON -- An Austin lawyer who dropped the state of Texas’ investigation of Trump University in 2010 may get a lifetime post as a federal judge.President Donald Trump named former deputy Texas attorney general David Morales on Tuesday to a trial bench in Corpus Christi, with support from Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz.Morales made headlines during the presidential campaign when news outlets learned that in May 2010 that the state’s consumer protection division sought permission to pursue what it believed was a strong case against Trump and Trump University. Investigators asserted that Texas taxpayers had been bilked out of more than $2.6 million, and sought to file a $5.4 million lawsuit.Morales rejected the recommendation. Texas dropped its investigation. Trump University voluntarily ceased operations in Texas.Morales insisted in June 2016 that the decision was not political. Morales told news outlets that he did not discuss the matter with Attorney General Greg Abbott -- now the governor -- before rejecting the recommendation, but did tell him afterward. Continue reading...

Trump Nominee for Federal Judge Killed Texas Lawsuit Against Trump University
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