Thunderous Meteor Rattles Texas Sky With Rare Sonic Boom

A booming meteor rocketed over Texas this weekend, rattling houses with a rare sonic boom, reports show. Authorities in West Texas and beyond received calls about possible explosions Sunday night. It turned out to be the fireball, which is a very bright meteor, according to the American Meteor Society. About 40 people reported on the non-profit's site that they'd seen it in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado just before 9 p.m.Deputy Fire Marshal Nathan Hines said he heard what sounded like thunder in Snyder, a town about 80 miles west of Abilene, The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal reports. "You could see a flash, like if an electrical transformer flashes at night, up to our northwest, but it was cloudy here -- kinda rainy -- so we didn't actually see any kind of fireball or anything," Hines said.  Continue reading...

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