Kennedy Bentley already has plans for her first spring break from Bethany College in Kansas next year: putting together a prom for students with disabilities.Ahead of her senior prom at Richardson High School this year, Bentley, 18, got to thinking about the kids who never seem to get an invitation to the ball."I started to think about how we spend so much money — some kids spend almost $1,000 — and how not everybody has the opportunity to do that," she said. "Their parents are already paying for medical needs and other classes they have to get through, and don't have the financial capacity to get kids to proms." From the time she first met children with Down syndrome at her church, Bentley felt a personal connection. She tried to engage with the kids from special education classes in the hallways, but noticed that most everyone else avoided contact."People think it's not their problem — that person is someone else's problem. They don't want to stop and take the chance to help that person."Richardson's prom seemed like a moment when kids with disabilities might feel this exclusion most acutely, with the rituals and the venue less than ideal for the disabled.So Bentley decided to put on a prom for them. It was an ambitious project. She was active in the Interact Club, the youth branch of Rotary International, and worked with them to raise funds.By the time she had all her ducks in a row, it was too late to host the prom she'd dreamed of. Unlike so many frothy prom dreams, however, her dream will not deflate when she graduates.She has found a venue, Noah's Event Venue, which will host the prom at a discounted rate; Dallas entertainer DJ Mike has offered his services for free; clothing store Terry Costa will provide dresses; and International Suit Wearhouse will dress the boys.When she returns to Richardson from her studies in sports management in Bethany College next spring, she plans to put the finishing touches on a Cinderella story for kids too often left behind.Rob Curran is a writer in Denton. He wrote this column for The Dallas Morning News. Continue reading...

This Teen Is Organizing a Prom for the Kids Who Always Seem to Get Left Out
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