The 27-year-old pastor of a small Baptist church east of Hillsboro is accused of sexually assaulting a child, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported. Whitney police said a woman found Benjamin William Nelson in a car with her daughter in a Whitney shopping center late Sunday, the Star-Telegram reported. He was arrested Monday and booked into the Hill County Jail.Nelson has been charged with two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child and one count of deadly conduct.The deadly conduct charge is a result of Nelson's driving recklessly near the mother as he left the scene, KDFW-TV (Channel 4) reported.Nelson's family told KDFW that he is studying to become a pastor and is attending seminary school in Waco. Nelson is married and is the pastor of Peoria Baptist Church, according to the church. He began coursework last year at George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University to earn a master's of divinity degree.Police say they are concerned there may be other victims. Anyone with information about the case may call Whitney police at 254-694-2638. Continue reading...
Texas Baptist Pastor Accused of Sexual Assaulting Child
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