WASHINGTON - A simmering feud between actor Jim Carrey and Sen. Ted Cruz has hit full boil, with Cruz chastising the actor for a sketch depicting Alabama's anti-abortion governor as a doomed fetus and Carrey hitting back by calling him "greasy" and "shameless."The two have sparred via social media before, though the latest eruption is far more venomous.Hours before polls opened in Texas last November, Carrey posted a drawing that portrayed the senator as a "bloodsucking" vampire and urged "Go Beto!"Cruz, who would defeat Beto O'Rourke the next night, capitalized on the attack by hammering home a campaign theme, that "Hollywood liberals [are] all in for Beto." He called the star of The Truman Show, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, and Dumb and Dumber a "self-described socialist," and poked him for getting the vampire part backwards because "vampires are dead, and everyone knows the dead vote Democrat."The latest dust up began on Saturday, when Carrey posted a vivid, hand drawn cartoon on Twitter that showed a tube sucking the brain out of Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey's head. Days earlier, she had signed a controversial law banning nearly all abortions, including in cases of rape and incest."I think if you're going to terminate a pregnancy, it should be done sometime before the fetus becomes Governor of Alabama," he wrote. Continue reading...
Ted Cruz Spars With Actor Jim Carrey After ‘sick' Cartoon of Alabama's Anti-abortion Governor
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