After the leak of Rep. Joe Barton's nude photos last week, much of the attention has turned to his future political career: Should he remain in Congress?Barton, the Republican representative from Ennis, apologized for the nude photo, which he says he texted, with consent, to someone he was dating. The picture was posted on Twitter under an anonymous account. Just compare the different takes from the editorial boards here at The Dallas Morning News and at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The Star-Telegram is ready to see him go: "It appears that Barton has broken no laws. But should he keep his job in Congress? We don't think so."The editorial continues: "A leader's most important job is to make good judgments, to make the best possible decisions, those that will positively impact others."What Barton did demonstrates his poor judgment, and it isn't a stretch to think that poor judgment may extend to more than his personal life."Our editorial took a different approach. Yes, the photos were inappropriate for public consumption. Yes, they mark a level of hypocrisy for a "traditional family values" politician. But they are not illegal. And they are not harassment: "Like all House members, Barton is up for re-election next year. Voters will decide whether to turn him out or not."The editorial continues: "None of this is grounds to nominate Barton for any award for high character. It's cringe-worthy behavior. But even members of Congress are entitled to a modicum of privacy. When that privacy is shattered, the inevitable finger-pointing need not always be coupled with outrage and calls for ouster."Where do you come down? What's your view?Got an opinion about this issue? Send a letter to the editor, and you just might get published. Continue reading...
Should Rep. Joe Barton Remain in Congress After Sending Nude Photos?
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