Mobile Grocery Stores, More Parks in Dallas? You Decide What the New Climate Action Plan Could Include

City Hall wants to know how Dallas residents want to combat climate change and other environmental challenges.For example, how about a grocery store that drives to food deserts? Or vacant lots that are converted into small parks? Or subsidized car-pooling options?Those ideas are included in a new community survey from the Dallas Office of Environmental Quality and Sustainability and AECOM, the engineering firm tasked with designing the city's first-ever climate action plan that the council approved in January. Officials hope to use the public feedback to help develop the plan, which will be unveiled in 2020.The survey focuses on seven topics: buildings and energy; food and urban agriculture; parks and open spaces; solid waste; transportation and land use; water and wastewater; and climate resilience. Residents are asked to pick their three top concerns from that list.  Continue reading...

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