Many ways to go wrongOne of the perks of living in North Dallas besides the art, buildings and food, is the people who live here. Dallas is a melting pot, which makes this city worth living in. There are minorities who help contribute to this concrete jungle we call home. The new sanctuary city law is a camouflaged predator that doesn't care and attacks people. The new law doesn't help local authorities set a standard on how to enforce it. In addition, it could be dangerous for all of our family members, friends and neighbors. What if the person who's detained has a valid reason to stay? What if the federal officials were wrong? This law is not humane; there has to be a better way to approach immigration.Jennifer Coleman, North DallasWe need needy immigrantsRe: "Can the U.S. afford needy immigrants?" by Ronald E. Larsen, Saturday Letters.This letter asking can the U.S. afford needy immigrants begs the question: Can we not afford needy immigrants?Who will pick our fruit and vegetables in the scorching California sun? Who will build our houses here in Texas' 100-plus degree heat? Who will nanny our children? Who will bus our tables? Who will mow our lawns? Not our native born people. These needy people are not taking jobs from Americans; they are doing the jobs Americans don't want. And these same needy immigrants will become taxpaying citizens who will raise educated children who will be able to fill the more technically oriented career positions we have to go outside our country to fill because our educational standards are not up to par.Do we need needy immigrants? You bet we do.Natalie Spitzer, DallasGood things are happeningThere is a wonderful parable named "The Blind Men and the Elephant." The moral of this story is that our views are determined by our experiences, not necessarily reality. As a longtime reader of The Dallas Morning News, I have determined that your reporting resembles this story. In the selection of your words -- nouns, verbs and adjectives -- you seem to choose the most negative, biased, slanted descriptions possible. One blind man said that the elephant looked like a rope because he was only feeling the tail. Another said that the elephant was like a wall; he was only feeling the belly. It is rather ironic that the elephant is the symbol of the Republican Party, and just as the blind men, you see only one part of the total picture. Open your eyes and see that great things are happening: unemployment is down, pay checks have increased, collection of taxes in April is the highest ever, illegal immigration is down, three men came home from North Korea, etc. Take a look at the entire "elephant" and you might see that it is a very large, beautiful animal! Good things are happening -- just print them.Linda Gober, CorsicanaCruz's playbookRe: "The NRA: two views -- Ted Cruz: Association fights for the means to defend freedom," May 4 Viewpoints.A better title for this piece would be "More red meat for Ted Cruz's base." The senator sticks to his script -- gun rights are bestowed by God and the liberals are coming to take them away. Why is anyone okay with this lazy rhetoric? Texans deserve better than an opportunist who wields a playbook of division and fear.Patti Schaub, University ParkTrump is not deservingRe: "3 Texans tout Trump for Peace Prize," May 3 news story.Has our Denton County congressman totally lost his mind by signing a letter recommending President Donald Trump for the Nobel Prize? Surely an educated man like Rep. Michael Burgess understands the history and qualifications to be awarded the prize. No person who perpetually lies to the nation, treats women the way he does, punishes the poor and unfortunate of the world deserves that honor. Dr. Burgess, wake up!Thomas M. Goss, Flower MoundIntentions vs. accomplishmentIn 2009, President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee "attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons." While, unfortunately, nothing was actually accomplished, he was awarded on the basis of his very good intentions. This begs the question: If North Korea in fact commits to denuclearization, will President Donald Trump be treated with the same deference, and be awarded the Peace Prize for an actual accomplishment?Lloyd Davis, Flower MoundLearn about the Foreign ServiceAs a retired Foreign Service Officer of 36 years and a resident in Denton, I found little is known about U.S. diplomats. We serve at 270 posts around the world, often in hard and sometimes dangerous places, working to promote U.S. interests, democracy, human rights, economic development and to protect America's people, interests and values. In 1996, the Senate designated the first Friday in May as American Foreign Service Day. Members of the Foreign Service around the world and at home come together to celebrate the thousands of diplomats who commit their lives to serving our country. Our Foreign Service officers promote peace and healthy relationships, frequently avoiding military action. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis told Congress, "Cut the State Department budget and we will have to buy more bullets." My colleagues are hard at work around the world seeking to level the playing field for U.S. businesses and aiming for open markets for our agriculture. This month is an ideal time to learn what our diplomats do, the conditions they work under and more about the 16,000 strong United States Foreign Service.Fred Coffey Jr., DentonWhen there's no choice but the ERRe: "Cost vs. Care -- Blue Cross: Don't blow the budget at the ER," April 30 Editorials.Thanks to The Dallas Morning News for its excellent editorial on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas' policy change. My family had two recent visits to the emergency room. And in both cases, we put it off as long as we could because of the cost.One ER visit led to an appendectomy. The second was a person in her 40s who had pain for hours near the heart. We were fearful it was just reflux. But we were also fearful it was the heart.Again, we wanted to avoid paying hundreds of dollars for an ER visit. Chest-related pain is the trickiest one of all. Who wants to go to the ER only to be told it was reflux? But what if it turns out to be the heart next time?Another time, my youngest had a run-in with his locker and needed stitches. It happened on a Friday during the day. According to his doctor and everyone we contacted, our only option was to go to the ER. Again, we didn't want to go there because of cost, but we had no choice.This is one policy that needs to careful consideration to avoid deterring people who have valid reasons to go to the ER. Furthermore, the cost of a trip to the ER needs to be more affordable.Meryl K. Evans, Plano Continue reading...

Letters: Sanctuary Cities, Immigration, Nobel Peace Prize, Ted Cruz, Foreign Service, ERs
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