Work without scare tacticsRe: "O'Rourke makes first New Hampshire stop — He warns climate change could trigger a massive refugee crisis," Wednesday news story.I just read in my morning paper that, while campaigning in New Hampshire, Beto O'Rourke told supporters that the Western hemisphere was going to become uninhabitable due to climate change. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has people believing that our world will end in 12 years. Do the Democrats realize the fear they give children with these statements? It reminds me of my childhood during the Cold War. We were doing duck-and-cover drills in elementary school. We all lived with a real fear of atom bombs, especially during the Cuban missile crisis. Myself and most people I know want clean air. But the Green New Deal is so absurd it's almost scary. Compared with other countries, the U.S. produces fewer pollutants than most. But changing our entire way of life is not the answer. What would we do without beef, airplanes or automobiles? To Democrats I say this: You're in control, so do your job. Pass bills that make sense without the scare tactics. Next year, you'll have another shot at the White House. Get over your hatred of the president and come up with some real solutions. That goes for both parties.Jimmie George, FarmersvilleA long ride aheadRe: "GOP tweet mocks O'Rourke's arrest — Many rebuke party for playing up stereotype of drunken Irishmen," Monday news story.Guess the GOP did not get the memo. No fair using Beto O'Rourke's past to gig at his behavior. Especially on one of the most sacred holidays of the year, St.Patrick's Day. Behaviors seem to have consequences unless you are a Democrat. After all, he was only arrested for DWI. How dare the GOP invoke his name in cautioning America to imbibe with care on a day noted for overconsumption.But not to fear, many will jump at the chance to defend his integrity. On the stump only a week and O'Rourke already depends on his pals to save him from himself. Whether it be DWI, Cult of the Dead Cow or his born of privilege stigma. Buckle your seat belts because this is going to be a hell of a ride.Jerry W. Halpin, LucasAttacks on Trump worseWhat is "deferred adjudication"? It is a plea deal given a defendant who agrees to a diversion program. This is what happened to Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke's incident of being arrested for drunken driving. The tweet caused about 8,000 Democrats to immediately jump to his defense. Matthew Dowd characterized the tweet as deplorable, unpatriotic and racist. Racist? How is it racist? O'Rourke is not Hispanic even if he touts his nickname of "Beto." This tweet was a mild slap on the wrist when compared to some of the vicious attacks on President Donald Trump.Logan Casada, DuncanvilleO'Rourke's not lateRe: "Campaign's launch proves worth the wait," March 15 news story.Beto O'Rourke is not late to the party, or at least it doesn't seem so to me. I received a text from his organization asking for support only about 25 minutes after he announced he would run. O'Rourke, his organization and supporters appear at-the-ready with enthusiasm and a program in place. While I'm not thrilled about the length of political campaigns these days, this is impressive. I just hope when these texts start driving me crazy, and they will even though I like O'Rourke, I can "opt out" again!Perri Brackett, LewisvilleHe's right on timeHas Beto O'Rourke missed his window of opportunity? The short answer is no. Experience has shown there is no harm done in not kicking things off the first thing in a new year. O'Rourke's No. 1 tool is steam. An entrance too early will cause an evaporation in momentum. He could fade into obscurity once the actual competition heats up. How will he stay relevant, grab headlines, excite people and get the conversation to turn to his vision? All these questions are now top priority. Without the time constraints of an incumbency, he can visit every state whenever and wherever he wants. Does it matter that he lacks executive experience and statewide victories? Do you know who else won the presidency after failing to win a Senate seat? Abe Lincoln. Do you know who else entered 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with a minimal amount of experience? Barack Obama. When it comes to ranking presidencies, those two favorite sons of Illinois are among the best. The window of opportunity remains open.Robert Aaron Rosenberg, McLean, Va.Yet another articleYet another article about that empty vessel, Beto O'Rourke. If he does not win the nomination or the presidency, it will not be because The Dallas Morning News did not go all out for him. I suppose if that happens, you could always canonize him.Don Kolker, GrapevineEqual coverage, pleaseI was appalled on your coverage of Beto O'Rourke's expensive high school education. How was that newsworthy? It was a political ad. You need to give the same coverage to Donald Trump. You never print a positive article about President Trump. He was not a politician and he won 30 states and 304 electoral votes. Your newspaper is so slanted to the Democrats. I have been a subscriber for over 35 year and don't give a "hoot" about what expensive high school he attended!Peggy Brooks, Farmers BranchHacking goes to characterAre there any ethical politicians? Beto O'Rourke was involved in a burglary, an auto accident while intoxicated and smoked pot. He says he avoided incarceration of these "youthful errors in judgment" because his white-judge-wealthy-father was able to help him. Now Reuter's is reporting O'Rourke was in a computer hacking club named the Dead Cow and worked a deal to hide this fact from exposure during the Senate race. A computer hacking group! We all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them, but being a member of a hacking group goes to integrity and character. He has the charisma we want, but is lacking otherwise. Democrats must do better to win. Rod Constant, Cedar HillArticle after articleJudging by all the articles about Beto O'Rourke, the The Dallas Morning News appears to be the print version of his personal Facebook. In all my years of getting The News, I have never seen such coverage for a political candidate. To be sure he is newsworthy, especially because of him being a homegrown Texan. However, the daily article after article about him and the implications of his running are over the top. I don't recall such coverage of Ted Cruz, John Cornyn or the Bushes. How about giving us a break and lower the coverage on O'Rourke?Tom Collingwood, RichardsonLet's see some 'there there'Re: "This Time, We Need Specifics — In presidential campaign, O'Rourke has a lot of blanks that need to be filled in," March 15 Editorials.Beto O'Rourke is a magnetic, charismatic candidate but, as The Dallas Morning news reminds us, he remains much like Gertrude Stein's Oakland — "there is no there there" — at least not yet.Robert Kai, KellerWait for Trump's nicknameThe Dallas Morning News seems to be backing Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke for president and seems to be even giddy at his announcement. Your nonstop positive coverage is extremely obvious for whom you wanted in the race. However, he may have announced and lost in the same conference, his flailing gestures and absurd premises of "mass extinction" and millions of "climate refugees" squarely places him to the extreme left of most Americans. His naive statements on border security and "Let's tear down existing barriers" reflects his pandering to liberal talking points like the Green New Deal and Medicare for all — financial boondoggles. President Donald Trump will nickname him soon and point out his ridiculous positions for all voters to clearly see.Anton Skell, PlanoWhat about Cornyn?For the past few weeks I have been both amazed, and amused, at the number of articles that The Dallas Morning News has published for Robert Francis O'Rourke! From these I have learned the following: He can drive a car. He visited all 245 counties, and then went on a driving-tour after being defeated in the senatorial race. He has his teeth cleaned. He played in a punk-rock band. He took down a Confederate Flag in a fellow student's dorm room at an expensive, private boys' school in Virginia, and he has not returned to that campus since he graduated. He can ride a skateboard. He wants to tear down the wall between the United States and Mexico. Let's see, what else do I need to know about this person who says that he wants to be our next president? Oh, and by the way, John Cornyn is our senator, and he has served very effectively for over 20 years! I do not recall even one recent article about him.Linda Gober, Corsicana Continue reading...

Letters: Readers Share What They Think of Beto O'Rourke Running for President
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