Dems could help China negotiationsRe: "Top adviser: U.S. buyers to feel brunt — Trump's chief economic aide admits consumers will suffer in tariff row; China's response awaited," Monday news story.With all that's riding on the trade negotiations with China, here's an idea that might enable things to get concluded more quickly. One of the incentives China has for delaying the inevitable perhaps is that a new administration — if Democratic — might be more lenient in negotiating. However, it's been clear that the Democratic leadership is very much in favor of stricter trade rules. Why not have the Democratic leadership and/or each of the candidates — or a least most of them — come out with a statement that China should not expect a more lenient negotiating posture from them. This could help prevent China from gaming the system in the hope of a better deal. Is this naïve because Democrats would be fearful this might give a potential victory to the Trump administration? Perhaps, but Democrats could legitimately claim that the victory is due in large part to their statement and position, thus taking away a unilateral Trump victory.Richard J. Greenfield, North DallasSocialism for farmers?I see that Donald Trump is promising to send $27 billion of tax payer's money to farmers to compensate them for losses incurred because of his tariffs on Chinese goods. This reminds me of the old saying that the biggest recipients of welfare wear bib overalls. Is this socialism?Bill Devitt, PlanoDon't forget U.S. perspectiveRe: "China lists its terms for ending trade war," Sunday news story.This article paints China as being on the positive side of the trade war with the U.S. It expresses what China needs to have and how China and its people are unafraid. That China has struck a note of defiance against the U.S. That China wants what is best for the people of U.S., China and the world.China has a history of espionage and military expansion in the South China Sea and unfair trade practices. Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen says that China has stepped up efforts to infiltrate to gain influence in this democratic-ruled country.No mention of the U.S. standpoint or what the U.S. needs, which is fair trade with China. Whose side are you on?Patrick Gale Spruill, PlanoNews stories paint a pictureI would like to highlight a few articles from Saturday's Dallas Morning News for those who may have missed them. 1. The federal deficit is running 37.7 percent higher than a year ago (Associated Press report). 2. Nature of tariffs on China grossly misrepresented by the White House (fact check report). 3. United Nations plastic waste pact approved by "almost every country in the world" — U.S. holds out. (Associated Press report). It is my hope that these and other recent articles in The News and other longstanding, steadfast and reliable news organizations will encourage people to support a more responsible federal government for this country. Charlotte Connelly, Dallas/Oak CliffTeach for America isn't magic solutionRe: "Teach for America works — Houston ISD severs ties, but DISD sees value," Wednesday Editorials.I'm writing you in regards to this editorial about Houston ISD and its discontinuation of Teach for America in the district. I'm currently an educator in New York City, although I grew up in Dallas and worked in education nonprofits like The Commit Partnership for some years.I'd like to begin by stating that I, by no means, believe that TFA is a fundamentally flawed organization. However, I'd like to raise a couple of questions in regards to this article. First off, you cited data from SMU research that does support TFA; you also stated that there are 31 corps members in Houston ISD. Given the marginal benefits that these 31 corps members add to the district, is it worth the amount of money that the district must pay TFA for these corps members? Particularly, if they cannot trust in the retention of these teachers?Secondly, as an educator, I'm concerned about your portrayal of TFA. I understand the work involved in choosing to teach; I do it every day. That being said, if we want to really invest in the education of our children, we should work to professionalize the teaching profession, rather than paint corps members — who often terminate after two years — as saviors.Natalie Johnson, New YorkAtmos dividends strategy not workingRe: "Atmos' rate hikes rejected — But 13-1 vote on $10.1M in increases is just the first step in acrimonious pricing dance," May 9 Metro & Business story.Atmos' vice president Chris Felan said Atmos needs to pay strong dividends to attract capital. Atmos has over 111 million shares of stock on which it pays dividends. Over the last 15 months, since Linda "Michellita" Rogers was killed in the natural gas explosion, Atmos has paid out over $3 per share in dividend to its stock holders, an amount in excess of $350 million. Almost three times the amount of money required to fund the needed infrastructure improvements in Dallas. It does not appear that Felan's strategy is working. Atmos must not have attracted much capital if they are asking for a $10.1 million rate increase. Heck, they can "make" more than that if they knock 3 cents off their dividend for a single year.Scott Foster, CarrolltonDeliberate before changing execution rulesThe Texas Department of Criminal Justice was quick to respond to Sen. John Whitmire's complaint and disallowed inmates' last written statements being made public. TCDJ was also quick to ban all clergy from the execution chamber when the Supreme Court granted a stay for an inmate who wanted a Buddhist priest in the chamber. I would like to see more deliberation before these processes are changed and a public explanation justifying these changes. Now, Whitmire wants Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to investigate the sometimes lengthy amounts of time a person can be on death row before execution. Since 1973, 165 persons have been exonerated, including 13 in Texas. The appeals process, although it can be long, is necessary to ensure the guilt of the condemned person. Execution cannot be undone.Paula Woodruff Keeth, Dallas Continue reading...

Letters — China, Tariffs, Responsible Government, Teach for America, Atmos
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