Cursive kudosRe: "How to write a persuasive letter," Sunday Points.Thank you for your excellent letter example. It perfectly addressed all four points. Also, thank you, Jane Doe, for writing it in cursive.Sharyn Bledsoe, North DallasHats off to these kidsRe: "Prepare students for real life — Focus on important skills in high school to promote independence," by Annabelle Toe, Avery Dean, Arianna Ruocco and Sydney Gill, Friday Viewpoints.These authors are wise beyond their years. Their recommendations are essential to preparing young people for life. It makes so much sense it's a wonder why all of the recommendations are not already in place. Hopefully, parents, school board members and legislators have read this essay and are paying attention to the needs of our children. Our children are our legacy. My hat is off to these authors. Rod Constant, Cedar HillWrite for veteransRe: "The rain that still kills — Vietnam veterans, survivors of Agent Orange may become eligible for new benefits," by Mike Tharp, May 6 Viewpoints.I have really benefited from Mike Tharp's Viewpoint columns on veterans. Like Tharp, I am a Vietnam veteran with the same decorations and experiences. His column on Agent Orange was particularly meaningful, as I was sprayed with that stuff many times as the C-130's sprayed the roadways near Cambodia. Doctors at UT Southwestern Medical Center have diagnosed me with acute peripheral neuropathy, and I am wondering if that could be the cause of my affliction. Tell Tharp to keep writing for veterans as there are many of us in greater Dallas.Woody Alexander, RichardsonSecession not a 'right'Re: "Treasonous? That's twaddle," by Jean Ann Ables-Fatt, May 15 Letters.This letter stating that the Confederate states exercised their "constitutional" right to secede is incorrect. The Supreme Court ruled in Texas vs. White (1869) that the act of secession by the Southern states was illegal and is not a right granted in the Constitution. Although the letter states that any "serious history student" knows the secession was a "constitutional right," it appears more serious history students know that is incorrect.David Swaim, Dallas/North Preston HollowA simple definitionThis is how Webster defines treason: the offense of betraying the state or subverting the government of the state to which the offender belongs. I've taught U.S. history most of my adult life, and I would have defined it as an insurrection: active or open hostility to constituted authority. President Abraham Lincoln called it "a rebellion of individuals." Thaddeus Stevens called it "state suicide." Charles Sumner defined it as "conquered provinces" as in a conquered country, the most extreme view. There is no constitutional right to secession either now or ever. The oath referred to was a trap called the "ironclad oath" to trick confederates into believing they could vote, of which very few took advantage. My great-grandfather also fought for the Confederacy and never owned a slave either, but like other Southerners, he supported those who did. Confederate monuments are an affront to African-Americans, and a large percentage were erected during the Civil Rights movement as a poke in the eye. In my mind, they were guilty of treason as it is defined, period.Gaylard French, WaxahachieDon't absolve Southern soldiersJean Ann Ables-Flatt tries to convince us that the Confederate monuments are simply honoring ordinary men like her great-grandfather who owned no slaves but simply fought for states' rights. But this argument falls short for two reasons.First, the soldiers can hardly have been unaware that the reason the states seceded was to preserve their freedom to deny freedom to others. So, while fighting to defend states' rights, they knew they were fighting in defense of slavery as an economic system.Second, unlike soldiers in the German army during World War II, most of whom likely did not know about the existence of concentration camps and the slaughter of Jews, gypsies and others, the soldiers fighting for the South in the Civil War did know that slavery existed because it was everywhere to be seen by all inhabitants of Southern states.As much as she might wish to absolve these soldiers of moral culpability, she cannot escape these obvious facts, which count against their moral rectitude.Sanford G. Thatcher, FriscoTruth about tariffsRe: "U.S. firms feel pinch of tariffs — 'It's basically a tax on consumers,' official says, despite claims," May 15 news story.The headline of this article has it wrong. The U.S. consumer feels the "bite" of tariffs in two ways: when a company buys product from either China or a U.S. supplier. The former due to tariffs, the latter due to the law of supply, as there is insufficient U.S.-made product available. Focusing on capital improvements in the U.S. will pay dividends now and into the future for the U.S. consumer and labor force.John Tomasso, PlanoDollar deals no moreRegarding the stories on trade with China, guess the Dollar Store is about to become the Two Dollar Store.Sharon Hockensmith, McKinney Continue reading...
Letters: Cursive Writing, Education, Vietnam Veterans, Confederate Monuments, Tariffs, Texas Legislature
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