It's Time for a Full Accounting of the Botched Iraq War

Fourteen years ago tonight, around dinnertime, the U.S. invasion of Iraq began. Most adults alive now will remember that moment, even if they weren't among the brave volunteer soldiers who risked and sometimes gave their lives to fight that war. I sure do.I was safely in Kentucky and had spent the long lead-up to the invasion writing about the preparations at Fort Knox and at Fort Campbell, the sprawling base along the Tennessee border.March 19 fell on a Wednesday that year, and at 6:12 p.m. Dallas time, American forces aimed 40 cruise missiles, each carrying 1,000 pounds of explosive force, at a house near Baghdad where Saddam Hussein and two of his sons were thought (wrongly it turned out) to be staying. Three hours later, President George W. Bush announced the official start of the war, touching off days of protests in cities across America and the world. Thousands of American troops began rolling into Iraq from Kuwait.  Continue reading...

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