Pranay Varada of Irving beat 53 other geography whizzes to win the National Geographic Bee Championship today in Washington, D.C. For his victory, the eighth grade student at DeWitt Perry Middle School in Carrollton will receive a $50,000 college scholarship, a lifetime membership in the Society, including a subscription to National Geographic magazine, and an all-expenses-paid Lindblad expedition to the Galápagos Islands aboard the new National Geographic Endeavour ll.The competition included 54 state-level winners, ages 10-14, representing all 50 states, District of Columbia, Atlantic Territories, Pacific Territories and Department of Defense Dependents Schools.The championship round started Monday with the final round of the top ten students taking place Wednesday morning at National Geographic headquarters. Journalist and actor Mo Rocca was the moderator.The final and championship rounds will air on the National Geographic Channel and Nat Geo WILD at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Friday.Stay tuned as we get reaction from Pranay and his family. Twitter: @debbiewfleck Continue reading...

Irving Eighth Grader Wins the National Geographic Bee Championship
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