Former SMU Student Wants Named Cleared After Distributing Fliers in Support of Black Students

A former Southern Methodist University student is asking that school's president to clear her name after she was placed on academic probation for responding to several racist fliers that were distributed across the campus last fall. Emily Walker said she endured a four-months long investigation by the university and was later placed on academic probation for distributing fliers in support of black students after the racially-tinged fliers appeared at SMU. The fliers, titled "Why white women shouldn't date black men" were found last November at Armstrong Residential Commons dorms and at the Deadman Life Sciences Building. The fliers featured photos of black men and blond, white women with phrases including, "He's much more likely to abuse you," "He's much more likely to have STDs" and "Your kids probably won't be smart.""It broke my heart because I love SMU," Walker said. "I come from an SMU family. I was so stressed out. I had panic attacks all the time."  Continue reading...

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