Editor's note: Each week, the visual journalists of The Dallas Morning News capture thousands of images, and we are able to publish only a fraction. Every Friday in a series called Outtakes, they will share photos and videos from the previous week that may have fallen on the cutting-room floor, and the stories behind them. — Marcia L. Allert, director of photographyOh, the annual bluebonnet photo. It's springtime in Texas and that means it's time for a bluebonnet feature photo. I ventured out to three locations in Collin County to look for a bluebonnet feature. The first two locations were not the best. There were lots of bluebonnets, but they were spread out here and there. The final location had a large amount of bluebonnets in one area and numerous families taking photos. Continue reading...

Dallas Morning News Outtakes: Vernon Bryant and Bluebonnets
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