After thoughts of retirement, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson is instead preparing to run for re-election.Two sources close to her told The Dallas Morning News that the Dallas Democrat is close to announcing that she'll seek one more two-year term, dousing speculation that she will retire as the representative For District 30 when her term ends Dec. 31, 2018.Aides are now working on a campaign roll-out, and Johnson is about to step up her fundraising. She has two events in Washington, on May 18 and May 23. Her team is also planning a series of receptions in Dallas.An official campaign announcement is expected within the next 10 days.Why another term?Johnson, 81, has been concerned about protecting her southern Dallas district and the rest of North Texas from Republican redistricting plans. The seemingly never-ending redistricting fight is being played out on several fronts in federal court. Gary Bledsoe, a lawyer who has represented Johnson in redistricting cases, said her testimony and leadership has been invaluable in protecting minority voters.On Thursday a federal panel in San Antonio upheld a finding that the 2011 Texas House map was drawn with the intent to dilute minority votes. Earlier this year the panel said the same congressional boundaries from that map discriminated against minority voters. Continue reading...

Dallas Lawmaker Eddie Bernice Johnson Preparing to Run for Re-election to Congress
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