A Billion Colour Story, a timely film on religious intolerance, will make its Texas premiere at the third annual Dallas/Fort Worth South Asian Film Festival on Friday. The festival runs through Sunday at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas and AMC Village on the Parkway 9 in Addison. Directed by Padmakumar Narasimhamurthy and produced by Satish Kaushik, A Billion Colour Story received standing ovations at its world premiere at the Busan International Film Festival and several other events."Race and immigration have, unfortunately, become such hot-button issues in our current political climate, and if a schoolboy can navigate through these topics in a film, we certainly hope our governments can attempt to do the same," festival director Jitin Hingorani said in a news release. Continue reading...
Dallas/Fort Worth South Asian Film Festival to Feature Texas Premiere
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