My husband and other Dallas first responders entered public service because they have servant hearts.When our friends received raises and bonuses, these first responders worked extra jobs and extra hours. When our friends bought bigger houses, drove new cars and went on exotic vacations, we stayed in our homes, kept our cars beyond their shelf lives and hoarded money just to make it to the Texas coast.We never lived extravagantly. Still, we eeked out a good life: Two great kids, two dogs, a cat. We put our kids through college. We pay our bills on time. Our family snapshot is like millions of others in America's photo album.We did everything by the playbook, so it's difficult to keep the faith and remain positive when we find the book burned and the rules erased. Rep. Dan Flynn's bill to keep the Dallas Police and Fire Pension plan solvent does just that. It breaks promises and erases obligations made to Dallas first responders and their pension fund.Lately I wonder: Am I still living in the United States of America? Can the government really seize money from our pension accounts? Can the government really take our money hostage and deny access to our pension accounts? Continue reading...
Dallas First Responders Played by the Rules and Now Politicians Are Changing the Game
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