Chicken Gets to the Other Side, Earns Paid Obit in College Station

Everyone knows why the chicken crossed the road, but only Big Mama could merit an obituary for actually doing it.On Sunday, the Rhode Island Red and College Station family pet finally made it to the other side. According to The Eagle. Big Mama died peacefully in her sleep Sunday, in her favorite spot in her coop.Her feathers now art in Heaven."It is with sadness that we report the passing of our all-time favorite chicken, Big Mama," the chicken's paid obituary in The Eagle read. "Not many chickens deserve an obituary, but she does."Big Mama had already cheated death once, after the Houston family that had raised her as an indoor apartment chicken apparently tired of her and was set to have her euthanized in 2013. Instead, the attending veterinarian convinced the family to release her for adoption.That's when the Sword family, of College Station, got wind of an email sent out by the vet to the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine, along with a grainy photo of a scrawny chicken checking itself out in a mirror."We were hooked instantly," the obit continued. "Did we want to give Big Mama a second chance at life? Absolutely!"The Swords -- Stephanie and Gregory, and their two sons -- who already had chickens at home, picked up Big Mama while in Houston for an Astros game and smuggled her into their hotel. At the time, Big Mama didn't know what it was like living outdoors or being around other chickens, but she soon would.Before long, she joined her new fowl family "and soon discovered how beautiful life could be walking in the grass, being a member of a flock and having 24-7 love," the obit read.Occasionally, Big Mama would try to go into the house, Stephanie Sword told the newspaper, and during bad weather would linger by the back door and sleep on the patio furniture.Recently, the Swords could sense that Big Mama was starting to slow down. At six, she had lived a good long life.On Sunday, when she didn't emerge from her coop like the other chickens, they knew: Big Mama's cluck had run out."She just went to sleep and that was it," Sword said.According to her obit, Big Mama is survived by Bubbles, Runt, Ms. S., Funky, Lucky and Blondie.  Continue reading...

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