Updated at 1:15 p.m. throughout.NORRISTOWN, Pa. -- Actor and comedian Bill Cosby was convicted Thursday of drugging and molesting a woman in the first big celebrity trial of the #MeToo era, completing the spectacular late-life downfall of a comedian who broke racial barriers in Hollywood on his way to TV superstardom as America's Dad.Cosby, 80, could end up spending his final years in prison after a jury concluded he sexually violated Temple University employee Andrea Constand at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004. He claimed the encounter was consensual.Cosby listened to the verdict stoically, but moments later lashed out loudly at District Attorney Kevin Steele and called him an "a--hole" after the prosecutor asked that Cosby be immediately jailed because he might flee. The judge decided Cosby can remain free on bail while he awaits sentencing. Continue reading...

Bill Cosby Found Guilty of Aggravated Indecent Assault, Yells at Prosecutor After Verdict
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