The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream felt like a reality for the Coleman family on Monday, as Anita Coleman watched teenage daughter Kimberlyn ride through the annual Dallas MLK parade in a white Corvette.“That’s my baby!” the Dallas woman sang out, clapping and cheering when her daughter drove by in the parade. Coleman was so excited, she forgot to snap a photo.Kimberlyn Coleman, a 17-year-old senior at Desoto High School, learned this weekend she won first place in a Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center writing contest for her essay on police brutality. She took home a $1,500 scholarship — which her mom said will go toward books once the student arrives at Prairie View A&M University to study nursing this fall. Continue reading...
‘A Time for Us to Enjoy and Feel a Part of Something': Dallas MLK Parade Draws Thousands of Spectators
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