Brooke's Mother Checked Out of Nursing Home by Tabloid?

Brooke Shields says reporters looking for a "tabloid story" checked her mother out of a New Jersey nursing home last week, and she plans "to take every lawful action" against anyone involved.

Her mom has been diagnosed with dementia.

Shields tells that police contacted her to say that two people from the National Enquirer "falsely claimed they were friends" of her mom's and signed her out of the facility.

Shields says the idea that the National Enquirer took advantage of her mom's state is "reprehensible and disgusting."

Officials say Teri Shields was found in an eatery next to the nursing home and was escorted back by police.

What the El!?! Editorial:

What in the world!! Who thinks this is the right thing to do?

Wow… they'll do anything for a story huh?

(Associated Press)

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